Ο Παύλος Κύρκος ("Blue") γεννήθηκε το 2000 στα Ιωάννινα και μεγάλωσε εκεί. Έχει εμβαθύνει στη μόδα από νεαρή ηλικία και άρχισε να εργάζεται ως μοντέλο το 2018. Αργότερα ανακάλυψε το πάθος του για τον σχεδιασμό, τα πατρόν και τη ραπτική. Οι συλλογές του είναι γνωστές ως "συλλογές ανοιχτού ημερολογίου" επειδή δίνουν μια άμεση ματιά στη ζωή του. Η μάρκα προάγει τον "εκφρασμένο αισθησιασμό" ως μια μορφή αυτοαγάπης και σεξουαλικής απελευθέρωσης.
The moment where art meets chaos or where chaos meets Blue.
Why stand in when you can stand out? A collection full of black n white prints as a reminder of a dream coming true. This is the dawning of Blue.
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The complete disorder and confusion. That's exactly where Blue finds himself creating. Khaos is a collection about the fear of receiving and giving love; the fear of not wanting to get hurt anymore. Υou grow thorns and horns but you are still confused, you can't decide if they want to love you or use you and you are not stable enough to think if you can accept them and let them in.
An open goodbye to 2 family members. A. collection that represents the wounds and the emptiness of loss. The fabrics aim to symbolize blood, grief and rebirth. One of the fabric designs was created by Blue and depicts the wounds of a Trauma.
Εach outfit represents a traumatized character from the greek mythology. Additionally, Blue, following the concept of death and funeral, drew inspiration from religious figures and architecture, merged with his view on expressed sensuality.
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An open love letter to Pavlos Kyrkos from Blue.
The collection dives into eleven different states of reconciliation with the eighteen year old Pavlos. These states are defined by healing, love, light and blooming.
The fabrics have been selected to symbolize the metamorphosis to the Kathartic self. He explores self-awareness and a type of liberation is portrayed in each outfit.
According to Aristotle, Katharsis refers to purification of souls through an emotional discharge cause by Trauma.
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Following Katharsis, Exstasis is the loving place that Pavlos/Blue gets to enjoy life and have fun with it.
An ongoing collection that’s getting shaped every day with every new experience. It's time to embrace and have fun with all these pieces that previously tried to drown over the fear and the lack of confidence.
Every piece of the collection represent a moment of life after July 2023 till her presentation. This collection is divided to smaller puzzles that are called "bonds": each bond contains 3 outfits that each one of it represents heaven, earth and hell. That’s Exstasis: a full ex positioning experience.
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